Legal notice
On this page you will find the legal notice of Joris Ryf's website.
Text, image and video material are protected by copyright and may not be used without the prior authorization of Joris Ryf.
Responsible for the content
Joris Ryf
Moosgasse 6
2575 Täuffelen
E-Mail address:
Privacy Policy
The privacy policy for this website can be found on the following page: privacy policy
Concept, design & implementation of the website
The new website of Joris Ryf was created by Neofluxe at the end of 2019 in collaboration with Joris Ryf. The new bilingual website (German and English) went online at the beginning of April 2020.
Falkenstrasse 44
CH-2502 Biel
Phone +41 32 322 44 00